Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Curse of Mommy Tummy.

Well, needless to say, I didn't start this week like I wanted to. However, I feel this to be a blessing in disguise. I have been eating better, though! That's a start... right?

While browsing around on Pinterest, I found this pin. It's all about what's called Diastasis Recti... a condition is which your abdomen muscles are separated from pregnancy and csections. It's not irreversible, but if you don't exercise correctly, you could actually make it worse.

Since I had a double [double] whammy, with two pregnancies and two csections, I immediately read through the article. I checked out my belly just like it said... and big surprise (not really) I have "Mommy Tummy."  I could fit damn near three fingers in the gap. THREE. It was a very sad moment... but then I look at my boys, and realize that I would have turned in my flat tummy for those two any day :) Now- just to fix it.

The link I provided also gives exercise examples on how to correct Mommy Tummy... so whenever I'm laying down I work on a couple of them. They're really simple, even for me... the woman whose  had her abdomen severed... twice ;)

The other day while grocery shopping (all mostly healthy stuff, of course!) I picked myself up a graphing notebook. I'm not sure why I went with the graph paper, I guess I thought it would be easier to keep it nice and neat, since there is up and down lines too. However right now it's still sitting unused on my counter. My Fitness & Motivation Pinterest Board has all kinds of exercises and healthy foods to eat. After the boys are all in bed tonight, I might just sit down and go through it all. Hubbs will even be in bed early, since he has duty early in the morning. Hopefully I will survive past 9 p.m. tonight, so I can actually accomplish this task!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I have to start somewhere, right? How about next week...

And that's how it's always been, how it's NEVER started. I told myself before I got pregnant with baby #2 that I was going to get in shape and exercise, so that when I DID get pregnant, I was able to continue to exercise to keep my body fit. That never happened. Sure I got a membership to the gym- but actually getting there took more effort than what I was doing there. Not to mention, the $33/month added up quickly when I was only going 2x/month. If I had gotten off my ass and gone even 3-4 times per week, that $33/month would have been totally worth it. I concluded that my body wasn't great, but that I was okay with it.

Baby #1, I had that kind of "morning" sickness that lasts 24 hours. Therefore, I lost 15 lbs. my first trimester. I gained 40 lbs in total, but after my csection (long story) I lost about 12 lbs because baby #1 was a chunk at 9 lbs 6 oz. Take that out, plus some water weight, and I was down immediately. Add breastfeeding to that, and I was back to pre-baby weight by the time he was 2 months old.

Then came baby #2. Neither baby was planned... however this one was an extra surprise. We had wanted to wait, however the Big Guy had different plans for us. I refer to him as "The Birthday Baby," because he was conceived [on or around] Daddy's birthday. We planned a scheduled csection for this one, just because I didn't want to wait. I gained about 40 lbs again, except this time... the extra isn't going anywhere!!! :(

I know, that I am to blame for this. I don't exercise, and for the past couple months have eaten what I wanted. I figured because I was nursing, everything would just go back to how it was, like with baby #1. Boy, was I wrong! Now I'm stuck. Stuck at 173-176. Those are the numbers I see when I step daily on the scale. Once in the morning, once at night.

This though, is officially where it ends. I'm so effing tired of seeing those numbers on the scale.  This weekend the plan is to make up a workout that I can do at home, on my own time. I bought a cheap notebook at the store to record EVERYTHING. Food, exercise, nursing, how long I nurse... literally everything. So... here I go. Wish me luck on this journey.... Lord knows I need it!